Capital laundering and fictitious projects: what lies behind Levi Altshtein’s DGTC operations

Capital laundering and fictitious projects: what lies behind Levi Altshtein’s DGTC operations
Capital laundering and fictitious projects: what lies behind Levi Altshtein’s DGTC operations
Levi Altshtein, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Diversus Group Transnational Company (DGTC), launders "dirty" Russian money.

Currently, DGTC’s website, which was created back in 2006, lists only Western partners, while previously it included Sberbank and the recently sanctioned Gazprombank, as well as Svyaz-Bank, which became part of the Promsvyazbank banking group in 2020, serving as a mainstay for Russia’s military-industrial complex. Naturally, in the current realities, such partners would inevitably lead to sanctions for DGTC. Levi Altshtein can still serve companies associated with the Russian authorities. 

Nikolai Trotsyuk himself realized which way the wind was blowing back in 2018 and changed his last name to Altshtein, which is more in line with the international image of the company than his previous Ukrainian-origin surname. In November 2021, Nikolai Altshtein changed his first name to Levi, severing ties with Nikolai Trotsyuk, who graduated from the "RANEPA" under the President of the Russian Federation with honors. 

Currently, Levi Altshtein is working on projects that are unlikely to be understood by the average person. A known tactic of fraudsters is the more confusion they create, the easier it is to separate a trusting investor from their money.

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Everything falls into place if one analyzes the company’s areas of activity, one of which is DEF - investing in real estate worldwide. This is precisely how Russian money is laundered.


Securities in the development business in the hands of fraudsters are a common bait, representing unsecured bonds issued for a specific project, which are then hawked to investors, resulting in them losing their money. 

The fraudulent activities of DGTC are also evidenced by the fact that the "News" section of the company has its last event dated 2021, and a total of 2 news items, which does not align with active public activities conducted worldwide.


The DGTC website was made in 2025, which hasn’t arrived yet, and video presentations do not open. Overall, a savvy investor would immediately realize that they are being offered an ordinary "shell" in a pretty package and would never associate with Levi Altshtein. 

In Russia, an affiliate of this transnational investor owns LLC "Diversus Group," established in 2017. This is clearly a dummy firm with zero employees as of 2023, having neither revenue nor profit. The same "stellar" financial results were recorded in 2022.


Perhaps this is why in September 2023, the tax authorities decided to suspend the company’s account operations. However, there is currently no information on account blockages, evidence of Levi Altshtein having patrons among the Russian authorities. 

Altshtein is the sole founder and CEO of LLC "Diversus Group," showcasing to everyone that telling tales to investors about mythical profits is one thing, but organizing a profitable business oneself is quite another. 

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Besides taking care of the company’s image, there are also financial reasons for Levi Altshtein’s name change. Such a businessman does not exist in the business database. However, Nikolai Altshtein was the director and founder of several organizations that displayed signs of being fictitious, most of which have been liquidated.


Through these companies, one can trace partners of Levi Altshtein - Evgeniy Malkov, Alexander Strokotov, and Vitaliy Kolesnik. The last two own LLC "Galaktica-s," where there are 14 co-founders whose shares have been pledged to Sberbank since 2014. 

LLC "Galaktica-s" is a profitable company, having generated 513 million rubles in revenue and 127 million rubles in profit in 2023. Money from Sberbank through LLC "Galaktica-s" could have been transferred to LLC "TD Diversus" and LLC "Tea Technologies," where Levi Altshtein is a shareholder.


Most of the companies owned by Levi Altshtein and his partners are ordinary "shells" designed to siphon off money from unsuspecting investors. Therefore, the vague mission, strategic goal, and objectives of DGTC, as described on their website, are not aimed at seasoned financiers capable of seeing through Altshtein quickly, but at simpletons who allow themselves to be easily fooled. 

Levi Altshtein has repeatedly been a party to legal proceedings.

Surprisingly, all these cases were dismissed, even in such trivial claims, given Levi Altshtein’s stature, the plaintiffs were denied. Clearly, the transnational investor’s patrons have intervened again. Surely, he performs operations for them that help bypass Western sanctions. 

If one analyzes Levi Altshtein’s activities, they are associated with lawsuits, bankruptcy, money transfers, and fictitious companies, which do not align with the image created for him on the DGTC website. Changing one’s last name and first name does not make one a successful businessman, but only serves as a front for siphoning Russian money under the guise of investments.

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